With its ever-increasing demand for smarter supply chain management solutions, the logistics & transportation industry has been a key force behind the IoT upswing.
The need
Operational efficiency
Components for IoT enablement, logistics providers can achieve high levels of operational efficiency in regard to fleet management, cargo integrity monitoring, and automated warehousing operations.
Hardware-agnostic IoT architecture for connecting all possible assets — sensors, items, containers, equipment, vehicles, and employees — so that the entire logistics infrastructure can be tracked and managed as a consolidated business unit.

Telecom has been at the forefront of the Internet of Things innovations. However, there still remain challenges stemming from the sheer scale of IoT use cases for Telecom, such as overcoming the risk of overstretching resources and ensuring reliable quality of service.

The need
New revenue streams
Open up new revenue streams by providing edge computing infrastructure for over-the-top (OTT) service providers and application developers. Enabling cloud capabilities for network hardware such as modems, IP DSLMs, CMTSs or base stations, will allow telecom operators to offer their infrastructure as a valuable service from which consumer behavior patterns can be extracted and acted upon.
Consumer Electronics
As consumer electronics devices are getting increasingly smarter, companies tap into various IoT use cases for their product monitoring, management, and customization. The problem here is that many smart-connected devices are available from different vendors. So, connecting them to a meaningful solution naturally requires a middle layer.
The need
Modern IoT for electronic devices
By design, Kaa supports popular IoT protocols that make it compatible with virtually any modern consumer product or microchip — smart home appliances, HVAC systems, wearables, and microcomputer boards. For legacy devices, Klyff comes with an IoT gateway offering or can be integrated with third-party device gateways.
IoT-powered device management enables consumer electronics vendors to significantly increase the capabilities of their products. First, they can use IoT to manage their device lifecycle, which includes device health and performance monitoring, predictive maintenance, remote troubleshooting, and over-the-air software updates. Second, IoT can help them further improve their products by collecting user behaviour data, analyzing popular features, and running A/B software tests.

Wearable technology is a hallmark of the Internet of Things and the most ubiquitous of its implementations to date. The efficiency of data processing achieved by various smart wristwear, smart clothes, and medical wearables is getting to the point where this consumer-oriented side of IoT technology will bring tangible value to our everyday lives.Â

The need
Empower wearable solutions
Unobtrusive access to remote healthcare, personal lifestyle management, work assistance, parental controls, public safety monitoring, and many other IoT services based on wearable technologies.Â
Klyff dramatically simplifies device-to-cloud integration routines for your engineers and offers straightforward device management. It can be redistributed under the hood of your wearable technology to your own customers, thus enabling you to deliver various SaaS solutions on top of your smart devices.
Sports & Fitness
Activity trackers and fitness applications are becoming our personal coaches, helping us with both instruction and motivation. Smart sportswear allows us to transcribe body data into training advice, and smart sports equipment allows us to measure our performance and report it to our smartphones.
The need
Personalised unique training routines
Powerful data visualization toolkit that allows you to create personalized dashboards for tracking specific training parameters and understanding the impact of different training routines over time. You can also visualize data from multiple devices at once, as well as set up rules for alerts and notifications.
Gyms and sports venue businesses can use Klyff to integrate their device and customer data in order to better run and analyze campaigns, deliver personalized services, and implement efficient asset management and predictive maintenance solutions.

Baby Tech
Baby technology is a booming sector of the global economy and is poised to continue its growth.  When it comes to parenting, there’s a broad choice of technology-equipped care devices, infant health monitors, video monitors, tracking devices, smart bouncers, and smart toys. IoT is the enabler of each of these baby tech products.

The need
Improve parenting
Prenatal care devices include health tracking monitors for the mother and child during the pregnancy. Wearables, such as belts or wristbands, equipped with IoT technology allow the collection of mother and child health data in real-time and display it on custom dashboards for parents as well as doctors.Â
Klyff provides essential features to collect, transmit, visualize, and analyze such data. The platform can be integrated with practically any modern sensor or type of connectivity, and collect data via a protected connection to the cloud for further visualization and analytics. Also enables you to send remote commands to connected devices, update device software, trigger smart alerts and notifications, manage access policies, and share data to third-party applications and services.
Why Klyff
Right platform for facility managers and owners
Great features to make you look the best facility management team in town
AI models and Firmware Upgrades
Remote model deployment and firmware upgrades over the air to roll out new features and security patches
Easy Real-Time Dashboards
Visually appealing information radiators for all aspects of management
Integrated with existing building management systems
Extensive Connectivity
Connect with a wide variety of devices in your building via the following built-in protocols: HTTP, CoAP, MQTT, LwM2M, and SNMP.
Scalability & Availability
All platform components are horizontally scalable. Klyff has production deployments supporting more then 500,000 devices connected.
LoRaWAN & SigFox Support
Connect LoRaWAN devices via integrations with standard network servers like TTN, LORIOT, ChirpStack, Actility, etc. Connect SigFox devices via integrations with the SigFox backend.
Mobile Application
You are never too far from your facility with all the functionality available in the palm of your hand
Peace of mind
Maximised efficiency, reduced downtime, low operations costs, improved decision making and full security