David Pasternak

Understanding The Interesting LoRaWAN

In this post, we try to talk about the fundamentals of LoRaWAN. LoRa is a wireless modulation technique. It is a physical layer implementation. This is derived from Chirp Spread Spectrum (CSS) technology. It encodes information on radio waves using chirp pulses. This is similar to the way that bats and dolphins communicate. This makes the modulated transmission resilient to disturbances and travel great distances. This makes it resilient to background disturbances. LoRa appliances use the ALOHA protocol, which means that they can wake up when needed LoRa is ideal for applications that transmit small chunks of data with low bit rates. Data can be transmitted at a longer range compared to technologies like WiFi, Bluetooth, or ZigBee. These features make LoRa well-suited for sensors and actuators that operate in low-power mode. Internationally there are frequencies reserved for Industrial, Scientific, and Medical purposes called ISM Bands. It can also operate on the sub gigahertz, license-free spectrum, and 2.4GHZ LoRaWAN is a MAC (Media Access Control layer) protocol built on top of LoRa modulation. It defines how the devices use the LoRa hardware when they transmit and format messages. LoRaWAN is suitable for transmitting small-size payloads over large distances. They provide a significant communication range with low bandwidths over large distances. LoRaWAN is pretty useful because There are multiple use cases that can be constructed with LoRaWAN, these include Certification provided by LoRaWAN alliance – The LoRa Alliance provides LoRaWAN certification for end devices. Certified end devices provide users with confidence that the end device is reliable and compliant with the LoRaWAN specification.  LoRaWAN architecture The LoRaWAN network is deployed in a star-of-stars topology. See below It typically consists of the elements that will be found in any IoT architecture i.e. end devices, gateways, application services, and the network. LoRaWAN networks use an ALOHA-based protocol, so end devices don’t need to peer with specific gateways. Messages sent from end devices travel through all gateways within range. These messages are received by the Network Server. If the Network Server has received multiple copies of the same message, it keeps a single copy of the message and discards others. This is known as message deduplication.

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Industry 5.0 with Klyff

The term Industry 5.0 refers to people working alongside robots and smart machines. It’s about robots helping humans work better and faster by leveraging advanced technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT) and big data. It adds a personal human touch to the Industry 4.0 pillars of automation and efficiency. Industry 5.0 stands on the shoulders of Industry 4.0 which has made a significant impact. Industry 4.0, also known as the fourth industrial revolution, has already had an enormous impact on the global economy and the way businesses operate in a variety of industries. The technology has helped make companies more agile, efficient, and even environmentally friendly. One of the biggest features of Industry 4.0 is the use of connected technology, which allows businesses to exchange real-time data, optimize processes, reduce costs, and improve quality. Key elements include automation, robotization, big data analytics, smart systems, virtualization, AI, machine learning, and Internet of Things. Industry 5.0 will also mean the introduction of even more advanced technologies, such as artificial intelligence and robotics, which can support and complement humans in new ways. Industry 5.0 “provides a vision of an industry that aims beyond efficiency and productivity as the sole goals, and reinforces the role and the contribution of industry to society.” and “It places the wellbeing of the worker at the center of the production process and uses new technologies to provide prosperity beyond jobs and growth while respecting the production limits of the planet.”  European Union The core differences are Industry 4.0 was focussing a lot on automation. Industry 5.0 takes that process ahead but introduces the intelligence of humans into the mix. Universal robots use the term cobots for this. They share the workspace with humans and are called collaborative robots. These robots and humans would work side by side together unlike the I4 predecessor where they worked in isolation in a controlled and hostile environment without humans around them. The objective of Industry 4.0 is to interconnect machines, processes, and systems for maximum performance optimization. Industry 5.0 takes such efficiency and productivity a step further. It’s about refining the collaborative interactions between humans and machines. Industry 5.0 recognizes that man and machine must be interconnected to meet the manufacturing complexity of the future in dealing with increasing customization through an optimized robotized manufacturing process,” said Marc Beulque, vice president of global operations at Rogers Industry 5.0, places emphasis on the 3 pillars of Humans, Resilience, and Sustenance The focus of Human Centricity is to change the perspective from People serving organizations to organizations serving people. If organizations become truly human-centric, though, the first implication for strategy is that it needs to be about gaining a competitive advantage and using it to create unique added value for employees. Resilience will truly become one of the three pillars of Industry 5.0, it means that strategy’s primary focus will no longer be on growth, profit, and efficiency, but on creating organizations that are “anti-fragile,” meaning that they can anticipate, react, and learn timely and systematically from any crisis and thereby ensure stable and sustainable performance. Like the first two pillars, also this is a radical change. So far, corporate sustainability efforts have largely focused on reducing or minimizing damage—or on greenwashing. Fully embracing sustainability in a company’s strategy, though, implies much more than what’s currently been done. Rather than merely reducing a company’s negative impact, truly sustainable companies focus on increasing their positive impact.

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Decoding the Klyff Hub

Since we understand the devices and gateways, let us go deeper into the IoT Hub. We will specifically talk about the features of the Klyff Hub as well. Some terminology would be handy to get an understanding of the features of the Hub Telemetry: Telemetry is the recording and transmitting of values received by an IoT device. Provisioning: This allows the cloud to identify the device to the cloud uniquely. Provisioning also establishes the device’s security protocols and access rights and privileges. Routing: Message routing enables you to send messages from your devices to cloud services in an automated, scalable, and reliable manner. You can send either device telemetry messages or events (for example device lifecycle events). This is the two-way communication between the cloud and the device. Scaling: For cloud solutions, scaling involves the need to ramp up or down the scope of the solution. Service availability: Service availability aims to ensure an agreed level of operational performance (typically uptime) for a cloud service. Service availability is defined by the service level agreement (SLA). Now the Klyff Hub is responsible for The complexity of the Hub or which features of the Hub to use would depend on the Based on your needs Klyff would access the needs and set up a relevant version of the Klyff Hub in either Montane, Alpine, or Snow tier

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Understanding Device Management & Control

In the last blog, we learned about the devices and gateways. In this blog, we will learn more about device management and control. Device Management do tasks like Messages Messages received on the IoT Hub can be further enriched or transformed. For example, they add information to the message to identify the device or the hub, and information about the digital twin. Transforming complex messages into structured data on ingress or to manipulate the structure and device data before they reach the destination. There could be multiple destinations on which the message is broadcasted as well. Messages can also be processed at the edge like filtering, aggregating, or converting before it is sent to the Hub. Analysis and Visualization Can be a big segment to make sense of the IoT data. ML and AI models can run on this data to analyze when the device needs preventive maintenance or if any issues need to be looked into. It can learn from the incoming data to build fine-tuned models that can be pushed out to the devices. Management Services GUI environment for managing devices Security needs to be applied at all levels including Device, Connection, and Cloud Large solutions need hundreds if not thousands of devices working with the Hub. To scale and control these devices the Hub would need to provide provisioning and device management services. Over-the-air updates for the devices.Scaling the Cloud services horizontally and vertically if the devices need better SLAs for the peak demands. Moving custom logic on-demand to the devices instead of it remaining on the cloud. Whether you need an IoT solution or not is not dependent on the fact that you have devices but whether they are at a location where it is difficult to manage them physically. Other considerations

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Understanding Edge Devices & Gateways

In the last blog, we went through the basics of edge computing, in this blog we will delve a little deeper to understand devices and how they connect with gateways. Code on Devices The code on the devices performs one or many of these The device code is usually containerized. For Example, docker. These containers have the runtime environment of the code along with all packages and libraries. Types of devices MCUs and MPUs MCUs (microcontrollers) are less expensive than MPUs (microprocessors). They do not have processing power but have memory, interfaces, and I/O on the chip. Often they use real-time OS (RTOS) or bare metal (no OS). They are highly deterministic to external events. MPUs connect with the MCUs to get data. They have general-purpose OS like Linux, macOS, or Windows. They provide non-deterministic real-time responses. Connectivity Either the devices connect to the IoT hub using a connection string that needs to have the hostname. In this case, all the devices would be hard-wired to the host. Another option is to go through a provisioning service that allows the devices to connect to a well-known endpoint and protocol. This provisioning service then connects to the hub or cloud end-points and the devices need not know about that. Given loose abstraction the provisioning service should be a better approach. Devices use TLS (Transport Level Security) to authenticate the IoT Hub or the provisioning service. TLS  is a widely adopted security protocol designed to facilitate privacy and data security for communications over the Internet. A primary use case of TLS is encrypting the communication between web applications and servers, such as web browsers loading a website. Protocols Devices can use several protocols to connect to the Hub. Some of them are Connections Are of two kinds, persistent and ephemeral Persistent – When the solution needs command and control capabilities. The edge would maintain a connection to the cloud and reconnect if disconnected. MQTT and AMQP are most used for persistent connections Ephemeral – Brief connections to send telemetry to the cloud. Once the payload is sent, the connection is dropped. Usually, device clients use HTTP API connection Field Gateways & Bridges Deployed close to gateways and help the devices connect to the cloud. They help with Bridges help connect to 3rd party clouds like The Things Network

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Understanding Edge computing

The interplay between AI, cloud, and edge is a rapidly evolving domain. Earlier, the edge was supposed to capture just data and send it back to the datastore where it was used for analysis and retrieval later. Now, through machine learning and deep learning, models can be trained on the cloud and pushed to the edges. Containers are central to this approach. When deployed to edge devices, containers can encapsulate deployment environments for a range of diverse hardware. CICD (Continuous integration – continuous deployment) is a logical extension to deploying containers on edge devices. Ultimately, AI, cloud, and edge technologies deployed as containers in CICD mode can transform whole industries by creating an industry-specific, self-learning ecosystem spanning the entire value chain. A typical IoT architecture Device Characteristics Communication The IoT Device SDKs and IoT Hub support common communication protocols such as HTTP, MQTT, and AMQP for device-to-cloud and cloud-to-device communication. In some scenarios, you may need a gateway to connect your IoT devices to your cloud services. The device might send periodic or event data to the cloud services. For example, a device might report the temperature of the equipment every minute OR it could send out a message only when it increases beyond 100 degrees. That is the difference between periodic and event-based. IoT Solution Any IoT solution must address the following solution-wide concerns: In the next blog, we will break down each of these sections

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